第 55 部分
1 . Actions speak louder than words.坐而言,不如起而行。
2 . If I'm not mistake.如果我沒搞錯的話。
3 . Some people never learn.有些人就是學不乖。
4 . What are you looking at? Never seen this before.看什麼看?沒看過啊!
5 . It's not my idea!這主意不是我出的!
6 . Who put you in charge?誰說讓你做主了啊?
7 . What are friends for?朋友是做什麼用的?
8 . Thanks for coming to help on such a short notice.謝謝你臨時來幫忙。
9 . The worst is yet to come.最糟的還不只這樣。
10 . I forgot what I was gonna say.我忘了要說什麼了。