1 . A crystal chandelier would look great in the living room.在這間臥室裡放一盞水晶吊燈會很漂亮的。
2 . Let's get some new drapes for the windows.我們需要一些落地窗簾來裝飾窗戶。
3 . I'm going to hire an interior decorator to look the place over.我要請一個室內裝需工程師來看看這個地方。
4 . Call the plumber to fix the toilet.給水管工打個電話來修理廁所。
5 . Change the light bulb, it's burnt out.換一個燈泡吧,它燒壞了。
6 . Let's buy some potted plants for the dining room.我們需要買一些盆栽裝飾飯廳。
7 . A grandfather clock would look great in the den.休息室裡放一座落地鍾會很漂亮的。
8 . This weekend I'm going to install a home security system.這個週末我要裝一套家庭保安系統。
9 . The carpet's worn out. Let's put in new wall-to-wall carpeting.地毯已很破舊了, 我們需要裝一套新的。
10 . The whole house needs re-painting.整個房間需要重新粉刷。