如何提出勸告和意見 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . I can't figure out why he quit his job.我不能理解他為什麼要辭職。
2 . Don't interfere in other people's affairs.別干涉他人的事。
3 . Don't interfere in my affairs.別干涉我的事情。
4 . I can't figure him out-he's a mystery!我不能理解他,他真是個迷。
5 . Pay more attention to the voice of youth.多留意年輕人的意見。
6 . My father always interferes with me.我父親經常干涉我的事。
7 . Don't waste your breath trying to persuade them, they'll never listen.別白費口舌規勸他們,他們不會聽你的話。
8 . In general, American boys like baseball.一般而言,美國少年喜歡棒球。
9 . He won't pay attention to anybody.他不會聽取任何人的建議。
10 . I can't figure out why she said so.我不能理解她為什麼這樣說。
11 . I am speaking of people in general.我所予的是一般人。
12 . That movie received a favorable review.那部電影受到了好評。