Lesson 105 Full of mistakes英語對話,新概念英語第一冊,英語Lesson 105 Full of mistakes對白,Lesson 105 Full of mistakes英文怎麽說



Lesson 105 Full of mistakes用英語怎麽說


Lesson 105 Full of mistakes

1 . It's a dictionary.I hope it'll help you.是本詞典。我希望它能對你有所幫助。

2 . Yes, I'll do that.I'm sorry about that.是,我重打。對此我感到很抱歉。

3 . Where's Sandra, Bob?I want her.鮑勃,桑德拉在哪兒?我要找她。

4 . This letter's full of mistakes. I want you to type it again.這封信裡錯誤百出。我要你重打一遍。

5 . Ah, yes, Sandra.How do you spell intelligent'?Can you tell me?啊,是的,桑德拉。"intelligent怎樣拼寫?你能告訴我嗎?

6 . Yes, I do.I want her to come to my office.Tell her to come at once.是的,我要她到我的辦公室來。叫她馬上就來。

7 . That's right.You've typed it with only one 'L'.對的。但你只打了1個「L」。

8 . And here's a little present for you.這裡有一件小禮物送你。

9 . Do you want to speak to her?您要同她談話嗎?

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