基礎口語 1700 句
第 139 部分
1 . What is he doing?他做什麼事?
2 . What is happening down there?下面發生什麼事情?
3 . What is happening up there?上面發生什麼事情?
4 . What is happening over there?那裡發生什麼事情?
5 . What is happening out there?外面發生什麼事情?
6 . What is that noise?那嘈雜聲是什麼?
7 . What is that to you?那對你算什麼?
8 . What does you want to eat?你要吃什麼?
9 . What is bothering you?什麼在困擾你?
10 . What is happening around there?附近發生什麼事情?