第 302 部分英語對話,英文諺語 3120 句(二),英語第 302 部分對白,第 302 部分英文怎麽說



第 302 部分用英語怎麽說

英文諺語 3120 句(二)

第 302 部分

1 . Who are ready to believe are easy to deceive.輕信的人容易受騙。

2 . Who has no haste in his business mountains to him seem valleys.做事不急,履險如夷。

3 . While the dog gnaws bone,companions would be none.狗啃骨頭無同伴。

4 . While the grass grows the horse (or steed) starves.遠水救不了近火。

5 . While (or Where) there is life there is hope.留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒。

6 . While you trust to the dog,the wolf slips into the sheepfold.當你認為狗可信,狼已偷偷把羊圈進。

7 . Who answers suddenly knows little.答得迅速,懂得不多。

8 . Who has never tasted bitter, knows not what is sweet.不嘗黃連苦,怎知蜂蜜甜。

9 . While the priest climbs a post, the devil climbs ten.道高一尺,魔高一丈。

10 . While we breathe, there is hope.只要活著,就有希望。

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英文諺語 3120 句(二)