基礎口語 1700 句
第 148 部分
1 . When the lights went out, I was washing my hair.當熄燈的時候,我在洗頭。
2 . When the fire started, I was writing letters.當火起來的時候,我在寫信。
3 . When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a portable model.你有電視節目表嗎?新聞與氣象節目之後是什麼?
4 . When it started raining, I was reading books.當開始下雨的時候,我再看書。
5 . When the accident happened, I was having dinner.當意外事故發生時候,我在吃晚餐。
6 . When the light went out, I was cleaning the yard.當熄燈的時候,我在清理庭院。
7 . When the phone rang, I was painting upstairs.當電話鈴響的時候,我在樓上畫畫。
8 . When it started raining, I was playing outside.當雨開始下的時候,我在外面玩。
9 . When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a larger screen.你有電視借目標嗎?體育特別節目之後是什麼?
10 . When the accident happened, I was cleaning the car.當意外事故發生的時候,我在清理汽車。