基礎口語 1700 句
第 153 部分
1 . Who is the greatest novelist of our times?誰是當代最偉大的小說家?
2 . Who is the governor of this state?誰是這州的州長?
3 . Who is the greatest writer of our times?誰是當代最偉大的作家?
4 . Who is the greatest poet of our times?誰是當代最偉大的詩人?
5 . Who is the auther of this novel?誰是這本小說的作者?
6 . Who is the auther of this short story?誰是這短篇故事的作者?
7 . Who is the chief of sate of this nation?誰是這國家的領袖?
8 . Who is the girl?那女孩是誰?
9 . Who is the greatest playwrighter of our times?誰是當代最偉大的劇作家?
10 . Who is the auther of this play?誰是這戲劇的作者?