第 46 部分
1 . What's so funny?什麼事那麼好笑?
2 . Just what I thought.果然不出我所料。
3 . Look who's talking!怎麼不說你自己?
4 . It's not my fault!又不是我的錯!
5 . What right do you have to tell me what to do?你憑什麼指使我?
6 . Stop looking for excuses.不要再找借口了!
7 . Well, what do you want?不然你想怎樣?
8 . Wouldn't I know?我還會不知道嗎?
9 . Enough! I don't want to hear it!夠了,不要再說了!
10 . Don't tell anyone!不要告訴別人喔!