1 . Good luck and best wishes on your career move.祝你新的事業一帆風順!
2 . We're transferring you to our head office.我們要調你去公司的總部。
3 . We hope you're successful in your new post.我們希望你在新的崗位上成功。
4 . He's going up the ladder pretty quickly.他真是平步青雲。
5 . She's moving up the ranks one step at a time.他一步一步的向上爬。
6 . We're happy you got the promotion.很高興你得到了提拔。
7 . You've been a great asset to our department.你曾是我們部門的棟樑之材。
8 . This career move is a step in the right direction.這次變動是你在事業上的一次邁進。
9 . We're promoting you to a senior position effective immediately.我們將馬上給你升職。