1 . If I fail this exam I'll fail the course.我要是考試沒通過,這門課就沒學分了。
2 . I have to cram all night for tomorrow's exams.為了明天的考試,我得熬夜臨陣磨槍。
3 . I don't care how much I have to study. I have to pass this exam.我不介意要學多少東西。我必須得通過考試。
4 . My professor will grade this exam on a curve.我的教授用曲線系統打分。
5 . I heard you cheated on your exams.我聽說你考試作弊了。
6 . All I do is study and take exams.我要接受所有的學習和考試。
7 . I hear the exams will be very tough.我聽說考試挺難的。
8 . Let's get together and have a group study session.咱們在一起組織一個學習小組吧。
9 . Mid terms are coming soon.很快就期中考試了。
10 . Can I borrow your notes to study for the exams?快考試了,我能借你的筆記看看嗎?