英文諺語 3120 句(一)
第 111 部分
1 . He that marries for wealth sells his liberty.為財富而結婚就是出賣自由。
2 . He that knows nothing, doubts nothing.無知就無疑。
3 . He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
4 . He that lives long suffers much.長壽的人多憂患。
5 . He that knows not how to hold his tongue knows not how to talk.不知緘口的不善言。
6 . He that lies down (sleeps) with dogs must rise up with fleas.與惡人交終會變惡;近朱者赤,近墨者黑。
7 . He that knows nothing,doubts nothing.無知即無疑。
8 . He that liveth wickedly can hardly die honestly.生而缺德,死必寡誠。
9 . He that lives well is learned enough.生活好者,博學多才。
10 . He that liveth in court dieth upon straw.生於安樂者常死於貧賤。