1 . You'll see. I'd like to propose a toast to our new workmate.你馬上會明白。我想要大家為我們的新工友敬一杯酒。
2 . I'd like to propose a toast to Ms Lin Editor of the Year.我要請大家為林小姐敬一杯酒,她獲選"年度最佳編輯"。
3 . Can I have your attention, please?請大家聽我說。
4 . Thank you everyone. Thank you very much.謝謝大家,非常感謝你們!
5 . Ms Lin worked hard all year.林小姐一年到頭辛勤工作。
6 . I just want to say that I'm proud of her.我只要說,我為她感到驕傲。
7 . Excuse me, May I have everyone's attention, please?對不起,請大家聽我說。
8 . John, what are you going to do?約翰,你要幹嘛?
9 . She really deserved the honor.她得到這份榮譽是名副其實的。
10 . Three cheers for Ms Li.給李小姐三聲歡呼!
11 . Ms Li, welcome on board.李小姐,歡迎加入我們!
12 . Thanks, John. You really go out of the way to make me feel welcome. Thanks you very much.約翰,謝謝你。你真是煞費心思來讓我感受到歡迎。謝謝你!
13 . I have an announcement to make.我要宣佈一件事。
14 . Would Ms Lin please come forward?有請林小姐到前面來。