求職面試者的誤區 - 額外成就感(三)
1 . She condemned her son for his behavior.她責備她兒子的行為。
2 . Your letter filled me with great vitality.讀了你的信之後我感到充滿活力。
3 . The patient showed a marked improvement.病人病情顯著好轉。
4 . She is unwilling to participate.她不願意參加。
5 . The vitality of the movement is threatened.這個運動的生命力岌岌可危。
6 . We condemn violence.我們譴責暴行。
7 . He treats everyone with courtesy.他對待每一個人都很有禮貌。
8 . He is liked very much because of his courtesy.他由於彬彬有禮而頗獲好感。
9 . We all condemn cruelty to children.我們一般譴責虐待兒童的行為。
10 . There's no room for any excuse for what you have done.你的所作所為沒有辯解的餘地。
11 . With great tact, Lily said that it was time for her to go.莉莉機智地說她該走了。
12 . He's unwilling to accept advice.他不願接受勸告。