第 50 部分
1 . Ingrate!忘恩負義的傢伙!
2 . You won't die for asking.問一下又不會死。
3 . You could say that too.也可以這麼說啦!
4 . Have you been listening?你有沒有在聽啊?
5 . You ain't seen nothing yet!好戲還在後頭呢!
6 . I'll know when the time comes.到時候就知道了。
7 . I'm telling the truth. I'm not lying.我說真的,不騙你。
8 . Could you do me a favor?我想請你幫個忙。
9 . Just tell it like it is.你就直話直說吧!
10 . Oh! Look who's coming?喲!看看是誰來啦?