第 51 部分
1 . Hey, we meet again!嗨! 我們又見面了。
2 . I give you an inch, and you take a yard.你太得寸進尺了。
3 . Good things have just begun!好戲就要開鑼嘍。
4 . Stop being so indecisive!別再婆婆媽媽了!
5 . Don't you have anything better to do?你沒別的事好做嗎?
6 . Let's see you do it!有本事你做給我看!
7 . Why so mysterious?幹嘛神秘兮兮的?
8 . I'm speechless.我也無話可說了。
9 . This food is out of this world.這真是人間美味。
10 . Take it for granted.身在福中不知福。