談貧富英語對話,瘋狂英語 900 句,英語談貧富對白,談貧富英文怎麽說




瘋狂英語 900 句


1 . The gap between the poor and the rich seems to be growing every day.貧富懸殊好像與日俱增。

2 . Don't judge people by their income level.不要憑人的收入判斷人。

3 . I feel sorry for the beggars, but I can't stand it when they teach their children how to beg.我很同情乞丐,但我真的看不慣他們教孩子怎麼樣行乞。

4 . If I work hard now, when I retire I'll be very well off financially.如果我現在努力工作的話,退體後就會很富有。

5 . This the rich part of town.這裡是小鎮的富人區。

6 . Money can't buy happiness, believe me.金錢買不到幸福,相信我。

7 . If we cancelled third world debt, perhaps those countries could start to rebuild.如果我們取消第三世界債務,也許那些國家就會開始重建。

8 . It's a family business, it may not bring in a lot of money, but it keeps the family together.這是家族生意,雖然不一定可以賺大錢,但可將整個家庭凝聚在一起。

9 . The rich few nations of this world take up the vast majority of the wealth and resources.少數幾個富裕的國家佔有了大多數的財富和資源。

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瘋狂英語 900 句