1 . It looks like we have problem with the shipment.貨有問題哦。
2 . I see, we'll look for them on our end.哦,我們這邊會找找看。
3 . We can't process your damage claim.我們無法辦理你的索賠。
4 . You didn't note the damage on the bill of lading.你沒有在提貨單上註明損壞情況。
5 . It looks like the shipping company did this.應該是貨運公司造成的吧。
6 . We'd better take it up with them, in that case.如果是那樣,我們最好向他們提出來。
7 . We came up about two cases short.我們發現大概短少了兩箱。
8 . What kind of problem.什麼樣的問題呢?