1 . How much more?還要多下多少?
2 . Why not?為什麼沒有?
3 . I have the quotations you asked for.你要的報價已經做好了。
4 . I think we can do that.那我想沒問題。
5 . We can make the price lower if you would order a bit more.如果你單子下多一點,我們可以減價。
6 . Good, we've been looking for them.好啊 ,我們一直等著看呢。
7 . Because these items are from different shipments.因為這幾項品目不屬同一批貨。
8 . I'll leave them for you to look over.我會留下來給你慢慢的看。
9 . Just three more cases.只要再三箱就可以了。