1 . In our house, the chores are all distributed fairly.在我們家裡,做雜事都是公平分配的。
2 . Will you please wash the dishes?請你洗洗盤子。
3 . Do you always fold the clothes after you bring them in off the line?你把衣物從曬衣繩收下來時,會把它疊好嗎?
4 . The vacuum cleaner is making a funny noise.吸塵器發出怪異的聲音。
5 . Mike and David hate to mow the lawn.麥克和大衛都非常討厭修剪草坪。
6 . Will you please fill the bath?請你替我的浴缸放滿水。
7 . My brothers must help with the house work at home.我的兄弟在家裡必須幫忙做家務。
8 . Saturday the whole family will clean out the garage.週六全家動員打掃車庫。
9 . Tomorrow, Sandra will carry out the garbage.明天珊多拉將會收拾垃圾的。