1 . How long will this be on sale?這種商品減價時間有多久?
2 . Do you have any coupons?你們有優惠卡嗎?
3 . Is this good quality for the price?這東西值這個價兒嗎?
4 . Is there a limit to how many I can purchase at this price?我買這種東西在數量上有什麼限制嗎?
5 . What's your best offer?你最多能出多少錢?
6 . This is a good deal: buy 1, get 1 free.這可是個好買賣:買一送一。
7 . Am I getting a good deal on this?這買這個值嗎?
8 . That's too rich for my blood.對我來說太貴了。
9 . Where's the nearest flea market?最近的跳蚤市場在哪兒?
10 . Do I get a better price if I buy in bulk?我多買能便宜一點嗎?