1 . Sure, that would be fine.當然可以,那沒問題的。
2 . Hi, Tom. How are you doing?喂,湯姆。你好嗎?
3 . What are you up to?你呢?你怎樣?
4 . That's OK. Everybody else does, too. See you tomorrow.沒關係。大家都是這樣。明天見。
5 . Would it be all right if I went with you?我跟你去可以嗎?
6 . OK, let me get my wallet and we'll take off.好,讓我拿一下錢包,我們就走。
7 . Nothing much. I'm just taking one day at a time.沒什麼。我只是過一天是一天。
8 . Hi, John, what's going on?嗨,約翰,你都在做些什麼事啊?
9 . I need to post a letter.我得去寄封信。
10 . Fine. And you?很好。你怎麼樣?
11 . Not a lot.沒什麼重要的事啦。
12 . I'm about to go to the Post Office.我正要去郵局。
13 . Great. What's happening with you these days?非常好。你最近幾天怎麼樣?