瀟灑英語演講 - 額外成就感(三)
1 . The news caused great excitement.這消息令人極為興奮。
2 . We're jumping about in excitement at the discovery.我們因為這一發現而興奮得手舞足蹈。
3 . Can you adapt your way of thinking to the new life-style?你能使你的思想適應新的生活方式嗎?
4 . If you compare her work with his, you'll find hers is much better.要是把他們倆的工作比較一下,你就會發現她的好得多。
5 . Not getting the job was a terrible disap-pointment.得不到那份工作,叫人失望極了。
6 . This cannot compare with that.這個無法與那個相比。
7 . Her children are a disappointment to her.她的孩子讓她感到失望。
8 . I like your style.我喜歡你做事的方法。
9 . He is suffering the humiliation of failure.他正在蒙受失敗的屈辱。
10 . When he moved to France, the children adapted very well.他移居法國後,孩子們很適應那裡的生活。