甜言蜜語 - 額外成就感(二)
1 . Jeans are popular among the young.牛仔褲很受年輕人喜愛。
2 . The movie was pretty good.那部電影非常好。
3 . He keeps himself fit by running 5 miles every day.他每天跑五公里以保持身體健康。
4 . White wine goes well with fish.吃魚最適合喝白葡萄酒。
5 . I need some new shoes to go with these pants.我需要雙新鞋來配這條褲子。
6 . What's the point of your argument?你主張的論點是什麼?
7 . World-class athletes are extremely fit.具有國際水平的運動員體格非常好。
8 . He is a good speaker of English.他英語說得非常流利。
9 . You'll never be in shape until you eat less and exercisemore.只有少吃多鍛煉才能健美。
10 . I expect you to be punctual.我希望你守時。