Lesson 111 The most expensive model
1 . That's too expensive for us.這對我們來說是太貴了。
2 . I don't like the model.我不喜歡這種型號。
3 . We can't afford all that money.我們花不起那麼多錢。
4 . You always want the best,but we can't afford it.Sometimes you think you're a millionaire!你總是要買最好的,可我們買不起,有時候你認為自己是個百萬富翁!
5 . I certainly do,but I don't like the price.我當然喜歡,但是我不喜歡這個價錢。
6 . It's the most expensive model in the shop.這是店裡最貴的型號。
7 . The other model's more expensive, but it's worth the money.那種型號價格是貴一些,但它值得那麼多錢。
8 . Do you like it, dear?你喜歡嗎,親愛的?
9 . Millionaires don't buy things on instalments!百萬富翁是不會分期付款買東西的!
10 . I like television very much.How much does it cost?我非常喜歡這台電視機。請問它多少錢?
11 . It's only three hundred pounds. But, of course, it's not as good as the expensive one.它只要300英鎊。但是,它當然沒有價錢高那種好。
12 . It costs five hundred pounds.它的售價是500英鎊。
13 . Of course.You can pay a deposit of thirty pounds, and then fourteen pounds a month for three years.當然可以。您可以先付30英鎊定金,然後每月14鎊,3年付清。
14 . This model's less expensive than that one.這種型號比那種要便宜些。
15 . Can we buy it on instalments?我們可以用分期付款的方式購買嗎?