英語絕佳句型 100 句
第 7 部分
1 . Would you help me with the report?你願意幫我寫報告嗎?
2 . I'm afraid that it's not going to work out.我恐怕這事不會成的。
3 . Is it okay to smoke in the office?在辦公室裡抽煙可以嗎?
4 . Is that why you don't want to go home?這就是你不想回家的原因嗎?
5 . I guess I could come over.我想我能來。
6 . I'm sorry that you didn't get the job.很遺憾,你沒有得到那份工作。
7 . I know what you want.我知道你想要什麼。
8 . I'm sure we can get you a great deal.我很肯定我們可以幫你做成一筆好交易。
9 . I didn't know he was the richest person in the world.我不知道他是世界上最有錢的人。