Unit 9 Saving the earth英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 9 Saving the earth對白,Unit 9 Saving the earth英文怎麽說



Unit 9 Saving the earth用英語怎麽說


Unit 9 Saving the earth

1 . There will only be standing room left for us next century!到下個世紀我們就只有立足之地了。

2 . If people don't stop polluting the seas and rivers, there will be no fish left.如果人們不停止污染海洋和河流的行為,那麼,就沒有魚會留下來了。

3 . That's a problem we Chinese must pay special attention to.這是我們中國人必須特別注意的問題。

4 . It's a good idea to hold such conferences.召開這樣的會議真是個好主意。

5 . Well, we listened to lectures about pollution, agriculture, nuclear waste, radiation and so on.噢,我們聽取有關污染、農業、核廢料、輻射等講座。

6 . Yes. If we go on polluting the world, it won't be fit for us to live in.是的。如果我們繼續污染世界,地球就不適合我們居住了。

7 . There was a good talk about the increase in the world's population.有個關於世界人口增長的談話,很不錯。

8 . What was the conference like?這個會議怎麼樣?

9 . I agree with you. We've got to do something about pollution. It's getting worse.我同意你的看法。我們得對污染採取措施了。污染越來越嚴重了。

10 . It was called Saving the earth and it was all about the damage that is being caused to the world.會議叫「拯救地球」,所以全是有關地球遭受破壞的事情。

11 . What did you do at the meeting?你們在會上做什麼呢?

12 . We've got to think of ways of changing people's habits.我們得想想辦法,改變人們的習慣。

13 . Well, what else did you hear about at the meeting?喂,在會上你還聽到了別的什麼嗎?

14 . Yes, it certainly is.是呀,確實如此。

15 . If the population keeps growing so quickly.如果人口繼續增長這麼快的話。

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