Lesson 8 Trading standards英語對話,新概念英語第四冊,英語Lesson 8 Trading standards對白,Lesson 8 Trading standards英文怎麽說



Lesson 8 Trading standards用英語怎麽說


Lesson 8 Trading standards

1 . and an American-made dialysis machine needs the EU's okay before is hits the market in Europe.而美國製造的透析儀也要得到歐盟的首肯才能進入歐洲市場。

2 . It is not just farmers who are complaining.並不僅僅是農民在抱怨。

3 . electronic goods and drug manufacturing.-- 電子產品和藥品的生產。

4 . Why? One difficulty is to construct the agreements.為什麼呢?困難之一是起草這些協議。

5 . No, say the American: our fowl are fine, we simply clean them in a different way.不,美國人說,我們的家禽很好,只是我們使用了另一種清洗方式。

6 . As it happens, a razor that is safe in Europe is unlikely to electrocute Americans.碰巧在歐洲使用安全的剃鬚刀不大可能使美國人觸電身亡,

7 . so America and the EU have been trying to reach a deal which would eliminate the need to double-test many products.美國和歐洲一直在尋求達成協議,以便為許多產品取消雙重檢查。

8 . Politicians agree, in principle,政治家在原則上同意了, 因此,

9 . Chickens slaughtered in the United States, claim officials in Brussels, are not fit to grace European tables.布魯塞爾的官員說,在美國屠宰的雞不適於用來裝點歐洲的餐桌。

10 . The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and them hammer out different pacts covering,say,美國人很願意就醫療器械的標準達成一個協議,然後推敲出不同的合同,用以涵蓋 --比如說

11 . wants agreement on general principles, which could be applied to many types of products and perhaps extended to other countries.則希望就普遍的原則取得一致,而這些原則適用於許多不同產品,同時可能延伸到其它國家。

12 . These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries.當前,是各國管理條例上的差異,而不是關稅阻礙了發達國家之間的貿易。

13 . Although negotiators are optimistic, the details are complex enough that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all.然談判代表持樂觀態度,但協議細節如此複雜,他們所面臨的困難很可能使他們無法取得一致。

14 . They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28TH.他們希望盡早達成協議,為5月28日舉行的美國和歐洲貿易的最高通級會議作準備。

15 . The EU -- following fine continental traditions --歐洲人遵循優良的大陸傳統,

16 . An electric razor that meets the European Union's safety standards must be approved by American testers before it can be sold in the United States,一把符合歐洲聯盟安全標準的電動剃鬚刀必須得到美國檢測人員的認可,方可在美國市場上銷售;

17 . So, ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do?因此,大西洋兩岸的企業都在問,當一套測試可以解決問題時,為什麼需要兩套呢?

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