Unit 15 Study Skills英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 15 Study Skills對白,Unit 15 Study Skills英文怎麽說



Unit 15 Study Skills用英語怎麽說


Unit 15 Study Skills

1 . You can enlarge your knowledge and learn some English at the same time.你可以擴大你的知識面,同時又學習了英語。

2 . For example, you might pick up a travel book and read a few pages before going to sleep. It is enough to dip into it and read bits here and there. In a word, this is tasting.比方說,你可能隨手拿起一本遊記,在睡覺之前讀它幾頁。這種書只要瀏覽一下,這兒讀一點,那兒讀一點也夠了。簡而言之,這就是「淺嘗」。

3 . The last question is what to read.最後一個問題是讀什麼。

4 . Third, listen and be quiet while others are talking! Don't interrupt, saying, Oh yes, that reminds me of「啊,是呀,這使我想起……」然後開始談自己的事情。如果某個人有嚴重的問題,或是生病,或是悲傷,這時你就不要談起多年前在你自己的生活中發生的類似的事情。

5 . Being a good listener means much more than just listening with ears. Eyes mean that I should look at you while you are speaking as a sign of respect. In other words I should not watch TV, or look over your shoulder at other people while we are talking作一名好的傾聽者,決不只是「用耳朵聽」。「目」字的意思是,你說話時我應當看著你,這是尊重對方的表現。換句話說,當我們在一起談話時,我不應當看電視,也不應當越過你的肩膀瞅著別人。

6 . On the subject of reading, Francis Bacon, who lived at about the same time as shakespeare, wrote these words, Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. This good advice shows how it is possible to read「有些書是應當嘗嘗滋味的,有些書是應當吞食下去的,有少數書是應當咀嚼和消化的。」這個忠告很好,它表明可以用不同的方法來閱讀不同類型的書。

7 . Next, if it is not a story, get an idea of the organization of the book. Read the back cover and the introduction. Look at the pictures and the short texts below them. Turn to the front of the book and look at the contents. This way you can decide whether其次,如果不是故事書,你就要對書的篇章結構有所瞭解。看看目錄。這樣,你就可以判斷這本書是否可能引起你的興趣。如果是這樣,你就可以斷定哪幾個部分最有用,最有趣。

8 . But if you enjoy reading short stories in Chinese, look for collections of English ones.那麼你就可以尋找一些英文的短篇小說集。

9 . Most of us are able to solve most of our problems. Often, all we need is a good friend who will listen to us while we talk things through. If friends can take turns to listen to each other well, life will be better!我們大多數人都有能力解決自己的大部分問題。我們常常需要的是一位能傾聽我們「暢敘衷腸」的好朋友。如果朋友們能夠輪流相互傾聽對方的談話,那麼生活就會變得更美好!

10 . If so, look out for books, articles or magazines about them.如果有,你就該找一些有關的書籍、文章或雜誌來讀。

11 . Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like?你有什麼特別癖好或特別喜歡的體育運動嗎?

12 . Second, if your friends have problems, do not give advice. Ask questions instead, such as What do yo want? How do you feel about it? What are you afraid might happen? They will be able to find answers to any problems themselves, with your support. They「你需要什麼?你對此感覺怎樣?你擔心會出什麼事情?」在你的支持幫助下,無論什麼問題他們自己都會找到解決的辦法的。他們需要的只是鼓勵和信任,相信他們在盡力而為。

13 . Finally, and above all, enjoy your reading!最後而又最重要的是,你得喜歡閱讀!

14 . Some stories are for swallowing. Imagine that you have found a good story, and, what is even more important, the time to enjoy it. You might be on holiday, or on a long train journey. If it is a good book, you might say, It's so good I can't put it dow「這本書太好了,我捨不得把它放下。」但是並非所有的故事書都屬於這一類。書評家們有時把一些書說成是「難以釋手」的書,或者是「難以再讀」的書。

15 . These are the parts of the character: ear, you, eyes, undivided attention and heart.「耳」、「你」、「目」、「專一」和「心」。

16 . Are there any hobbies or sports you particularly like?但是,如果你喜歡讀中文的短篇小說。

17 . Other books are for reading slowly and carefully. If it is a book on a subject that you are interested in, you will want to chew and digest it. That does not mean reading it too slowly. When you pick up a book for the first time, check that it is not to還有一些書是要慢慢地、仔細地閱讀的。如果有一本書談論的題目你很感興趣,你就想「咀嚼、消化它」。這並不意味著要讀得太慢。當你第一次拿起一本書的時候,你得檢查一下,這本書不是太難讀。除非從頭幾頁書中你能看出這是一本你容易讀懂的書,否則你就不要去讀它。

18 . Here are some more tips on becoming a good listener. First, take turns to listen. Don't all try to speak at the same time when you are in a group. Listen without interrupting, and stop others from interrupting. Then it will be someone else's turn. That wa我們還可以對怎樣作個好的傾聽者提出幾點意見。第一,輪流地聽。當你們在一起時,不要同時爭著說話。聽的時候不要打斷人家的講話,還要阻止別人插話。然後再輪到另外的人講話。這樣,每個人都有說話的機會,也有人家恭聽你說話的機會。

19 . Start by making a list of all the types of books that you enjoy reading in Chinese.首先列出一個清單,把你喜歡讀的各類中文書都開列出來。

20 . If you hate science stories, you are unlikely to enjoy reading them in English.如果你不喜歡讀科學小品,你很可能也不會喜歡讀英文的這類圖書。

21 . What about heart? Heart is what makes you love other people. You can love your friend, even though you don't agree with everything she or he says. So when you listen to someone, you should listen with complete attention, and with complete respect for那麼「心」字的意思是什麼呢?「心」是指對別人的愛心。你能愛你的朋友,即使你並不同意他們所說的每一件事情。因此,當你聽某人說話時,你要一心一意地聽,對別人完全尊重。

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