Lesson 19 The stuff of dreams
1 . Some years ago an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep.前些年,美國一位精神病學者發表了一篇報告,報告中記錄了眼球在睡眠時的活動情況。
2 . The implications of all this were that it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, but the disturbance of dreaming.睡眠受到干憂沒關係,而做夢受到干憂是有問題的。
3 . The second factor is more interesting and more fundamental.第二點更有意思,也更重要。
4 . When woken at other times they reported no dreams.在其他期間叫醒他們,則說沒有做夢。
5 . and because there is so much of it the function would seem to e important.睡眠佔去那麼多時間,所以其作用似乎還是很重要。
6 . The body's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree, and function best when more or less continuously active.人體組織在一定程度上有自我修補和自我恢復的能力,有張有弛地連續活動時,其功能最佳。
7 . In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.事實上,睡眠狀態下仍有著基本的活動量,以防止肌肉活動停止。
8 . some drifting and slow, others jerky and rapid.這些活動有的飄忽而緩慢,有的急劇而快速。
9 . and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time but when they were no exhibiting eye-movements,另一組人也是連續幾夜被叫醒,但是在眼球隊沒活動時被叫醒的。
10 . If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end,如果有兩組人,一組人連續幾夜在眼球隊活動時被叫醒;
11 . It is fairly clear that sleeping period must have some function,很清楚,睡眠必然具有某種作用。
12 . If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors.如果睡眠的功能不是在於使身體得到休息,那麼也許是讓大腦得以休息?若不是下面兩點,這種假使似乎是有道理的。
13 . there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less.但沒有跡象表明,其活動總量有任何減少。
14 . the first group began to show some personality disorders while the others seemed more or less unaffected.結果,第一組人開始出現性格失常,而第二組人似乎沒受什麼影響。
15 . Speculations about is nature have been going on for literally thousands of years,人們對睡眠作用的種種猜測,確實有數千年之久。
16 . and one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that it looks very much as if sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest.一項使人對這個問題感到困惑的奇怪的發現是,睡眠在很大程度似乎並不僅僅是為了使身體得到休息。
17 . First the electroencephalograph (which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep,第一點,腦電圖記錄儀(不過是一種把電極接到頭皮上記錄腦電活動的儀器)顯示,人在睡眠時大腦活動的方式有變化,
18 . People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming.在眼球活動期間被叫醒的人都說自己在做夢;
19 . He showed that the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movements,他指出,平常人的睡眠週期中不時伴有一陣陣奇怪的眼球隊活動,
20 . 'Rest', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on, can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down.「休息」,從使肌肉得到放鬆等方面來看,只要稍微躺一躺,甚至坐一坐就能達到。