1 . I am looking for a necklace with a matching pair of earrings.我想找一條項鏈和一副跟它相配的耳環。
2 . What will the monthly payments be?每月要付多少?
3 . Whats your ring size?你的戒指是幾號的?
4 . Does this come with a certificate of authenticity?這有鑒定證明嗎?
5 . How many karats do you want?你要幾克拉的?
6 . Do you have any white gold bracelets?你有白金手鐲嗎?
7 . I want to buy an engagement ring for my fiancee.我想為我的未婚妻買一枚訂婚戒指。
8 . Can I finance this purchase?我能先欠著嗎?
9 . Do you like white or colored pearls?你喜歡白的或彩色的珍珠嗎?
10 . I would like to buy a diamond necklace for my wife.我想為我的妻子買一條鑽石項鏈。