1 . we can start any time you're ready.只要你準備好了,我們隨時可以開始。
2 . I'm really looking forward to this.我期待這次參觀已久了。
3 . I can set up a tour next week.我可以安排在下個禮拜參觀。
4 . I'll wanted to see your factory for a long time.好久就想來看看你們的工廠了。
5 . The tour should last about an hour and a half.這次參觀大概需要一個半小時。
6 . Just let me know which day.決定好哪一天就告訴我。
7 . thank for coming today.謝謝您今天的蒞臨。
8 . I'm all set.我都準備好了。
9 . Would you like to go through our factory some time?什麼時候來看看我們的工廠吧?