1 . You could save a lot if you would order a little more.如果你單子下得多一點,可以省不少的錢。
2 . Then give us three cases of this.那麼這種的就買三箱好了。
3 . Do you offer any quantity discounts?大量購買有折扣嗎?
4 . We can't split open a case to fill your order.因為我們不能拆箱來湊足你的訂量。
5 . We have a problem with your order.你訂的貨有點問題。
6 . I'll see if we can take the whole case.那我考慮看看是不是可以買整箱。
7 . We offer a discount for large orders.我們對大量訂購有打折。