1 . Your prices seem a little high.你們的價錢高了一些。
2 . Ok, I'll see what I can do.好吧,我考慮考慮吧
3 . It would represent quite a savings.這省下的可是一筆不少的錢哩。
4 . Why are there three prices quoted for this part?這種零件為什麼有三種不同的報價?
5 . We can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.訂購一萬個以上,我們可以打九折。
6 . Let me take another look at our requirements.那我們看看我們的需要量有多少
7 . They represent the prices for different quantities.那表示不同的量有不同的價錢。
8 . If you order in large lots, we'll reduce the price.如果你大量訂購,我們可以降價
9 . We could make them lower for you.我們可以算你便宜一點。
10 . I'm not sure we can use that many.我怕我們用不了那麼多。