Unit 17 What's the weather like today英語對話,初二英語課文,英語Unit 17 What's the weather like today對白,Unit 17 What's the weather like today英文怎麽說



Unit 17 What's the weather like today用英語怎麽說


Unit 17 What's the weather like today

1 . In England, too, spring is longer.Spring in England can last from late March to May.英國的春天也較長,能夠從3月下旬延續到5月。

2 . Look at the ice! Be careful! It's thin.瞧那冰!當心!冰很薄。

3 . Different countries, different weather不同的國家,氣候各異

4 . Fine, thanks, Dad. What about you?很好,謝謝爸爸。你呢?

5 . The weather can be quite warm in autumn.秋天,氣候十分暖和。

6 . On, hello, Bruce! How are you?噢,喂,布魯斯!你好嗎?

7 . Hello! Sydney 7654392.喂!我是悉尼7654392。

8 . But I'm learning to skate. What's the weather like in Australia?不過我正在學溜冰。澳大利亞天氣怎樣?

9 . Are you doing much sport?你常做運動嗎?

10 . The Australian seasons are the opposite.澳大利亞的季節正好相反。

11 . It lasts from May to July.從5月持續到7月。

12 . It usually comes in February or March. Summer is often very hot.通常在2月或3月開始。夏天很熱。

13 . Look at the snow! It's quite light.瞧這雪!這麼小。

14 . Look at the sun! It's very bright.瞧,陽光燦爛!

15 . In much of China, spring is usually very short.在中國的許多地方,春天通常很短。

16 . What a strong wind! It's blowing strongly.好大的風啊!風刮的好大。

17 . So when it's spring in China, it is autumn in Australia.因此,當中國是春天的時候,澳大利亞則是秋天。

18 . Oh, we have beautiful sunshine everyday! It's very warm. Sometimes it's too hot.噢,每天陽光明媚!很暖和。有時太熱。

19 . The hottest month is July. Autumn starts in August, and goes on to October.最熱的月份是7月。秋天開始於8月,持續到10月。

20 . Not at the moment.There's too much ice.眼下沒有。地上冰太多了。

21 . The best time to come to China is in spring or autumn.到中國來,最好的時間是在春天或者秋天。

22 . Summer is from December to February, and winter is in June, July and August.夏天從12月到2月,冬天是在6月、7月和8月。

23 . In summer it is often too hot, and in winter it is too cold.夏天常常太熱,冬天又常常太冷。

24 . (Bruce rings up his father on the telephone.)(布魯斯給他父親打電話。)

25 . The seasons of the year in England and the USA are nearly the same.在英國和美國,一年之中的季節幾乎與中國相同。

26 . Look at the rain! It's heavy, isn't it?瞧這雨!下這麼大,是吧?

27 . Fine. What's the weather like in Beijing?很好。北京的天氣怎樣?

28 . You need to wear lots of warm clothes.人們要穿很多的保暖的衣服。

29 . Winter lasts from November to January and is very cold.冬天11月持續到到1月,

30 . But unlike much of China and the USA, the weather in England never gets too hot, or too cold.但是,跟中國和美國的許多地方不同,在英國從來沒有太熱的或者太冷的天氣。

31 . Look at the snow! It's thick, isn't it?瞧這雪!雪很厚,是吧?

32 . Not very good at the moment, I'm afraid. It's quite windy, and there's a lot of snow.恐怕這陣子不很好。風很大,而且老下雪。

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