You're Tops(頂尖高手) ACT II英語對話,走遍美國,英語You're Tops(頂尖高手) ACT II對白,You're Tops(頂尖高手) ACT II英文怎麽說



You're Tops(頂尖高手) ACT II用英語怎麽說


You're Tops(頂尖高手) ACT II

1 . and he's very unhappy about not working.他對沒有工作感到怏怏不樂。

2 . John Marchetta runs this company. John Marchetta經營這家公司。

3 . I had dinner with him Saturday,星期六我與他一起吃晚餐,

4 . I thought he was retired我原以為他退休了

5 . The sketches for the cover of the new doll book?是新玩具書的封面設計嗎?

6 . but it is.但實際上很要緊。

7 . Except for my grandfather.除了我爺爺。

8 . You sound like something's bothering you, Susan.聽起來好像你有什麼心事, Susan?

9 . I'm glad to help.我很樂意幫忙。

10 . What kind of advice are you looking for?希望能得到什麼建議?

11 . and pleased to be living with the family.樂於跟家人住在一起。

12 . Sam, would you come in, please?Sam,請進來一下, 好嗎?

13 . Ten o'clock in the morning. Here.上午十點 ,在這裡。

14 . Maybe he can do the same thing for your grandfather.也許他能為你爺爺做同樣的事。

15 . and it's not about you. OK.而且不是關於你的。好吧。

16 . Now, how's the Stewart family?那麼, Stewart全家人都好嗎?

17 . and I thought ... maybe ...我覺得……也許……

18 . But what can I do?但我能幫什麼忙?

19 . When I first graduated from college.那時我剛從大學畢業。

20 . Shall I call Mr. Marchetta for you?要我替你打電話給 Marchetta先生嗎?

21 . I know you're building a new factory,我知道你在興建一座新工廠,

22 . I need your advice on a personsal matter,我有件私事, 需要聽聽你的高見,

23 . Simply this.簡單說來是這樣的。

24 . John Marchetta gave me my start here six years ago,六年前 ,John Marchetta讓我在這兒起步,

25 . Then I've solved your problem.說來我替你解決問題了。

26 . so experienced in the construction trade,在建築這一行業經驗豐富

27 . Really, Mr. Marchetta?真的嗎,Marchetta先生?

28 . He gave me the chance to use my talents他提供給我施展才能的機會

29 . at ten o'clock tomorrow morning.明天上午十點鐘。

30 . He needs to work.他需要工作。

31 . and made me feel more confident.使我對自己更加有信心。

32 . but there's so much energy and talent in the man,但是他有那麼多的精力和才能,

33 . Fine, thank you, Mr. Mrarchetta.都好, 謝謝你 ,Mrarchetta先生。

34 . In fact, that is the reason why I'm here to see you.事實上 這是我來見你的原因。

35 . and he doesn't get to use it.卻又用不上。

36 . but it's not about me.但這不是關於我自己的事。

37 . he could be so valuable.他或許能夠有所用。

38 . Or at least give him some advice.再不然至少可以給他一些忠告。

39 . Tell him to come and see me告訴他來見我,

40 . He founded this company.他創辦了這家公司。

41 . No, no. I'll do that.不, 不。我自己來。

42 . I have an idea that may solve the problem for him我有個主意他也許能解決這個問題

43 . I can always depend on you, Sam.我知道我可以依靠你 ,Sam。

44 . It won't sound like a big deal,這事聽起來沒啥嚴重,

45 . You need my advice on a personal matter,有私事需要聽我的意見,

46 . It's about my grandfather.是關於我爺爺。

47 . That's not it.不是這種事。

48 . and help a lot of other people.且對其他很多人有益。

49 . Can I tell him that?我可以把這消息告訴他嗎?

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