Unit 8 On the farm英語對話,初三英語課文,英語Unit 8 On the farm對白,Unit 8 On the farm英文怎麽說



Unit 8 On the farm用英語怎麽說


Unit 8 On the farm

1 . (Two weeks later. The woman arrives at the farmer's house.)(兩周後,婦女來到農民的家。)

2 . No. I've never been to that farm before. What kinds of animals have they got?不,我以前從來沒有去過那個農場。他們有哪些種類的動物?

3 . No. Two visitors have just arrived and I want to give them something nice to eat.不是。我家剛來了兩位客人,我想煮些好吃的招待他們。

4 . (laughing) Really? I've never heard of that before! Thank you very much! Goodbye!真的嗎?我以往從來沒有聽說過這種事。非常感謝您!再見!

5 . If a pan can have a baby, it can die, too! (He starts to laugh.)假如鍋能生孩子,那麼它也能死!(他開始大笑)。

6 . Your pan? Oh, I'm very sorry. It's dead.你的鍋?哦,非常對不起。它死了。

7 . Dead? Pans can't die! How can a pan die? I've never heard of that before!死了?鍋是不會死的!鍋怎麼會死呢?我從來沒有聽說過這種事!

8 . Here you are. It was only a joke! Thanks a lot!這是你的鍋。 我在跟你開玩笑!非常感謝!

9 . I lent a pan to you two weeks ago. I've come to get it back again.兩個星期以前我借了一隻鍋給你。我來拿我的鍋。

10 . Morning! I'm sorry to trouble you. Could I borrow a pan, please? Mine has just broken.早上好!對不起,打擾您了。我想借您的平底鍋,可以嗎?我的剛剛打碎了。

11 . Hello! Is there anyone at home?喂!家裡有人嗎?

12 . Certainly! What happened? Has your pan broken again?當然!發生什麼事了?你的鍋又打壞了嗎?

13 . Not at all. Glad to help! Oh, what's this? There's another small pan here, too!沒什麼。我很高興能幫你。啊,這是什麼?這裡還有一個小平底鍋!

14 . Two weeks ago it had a baby.兩周前它生了個孩子。

15 . Have you ever been to West Hill Farm?你曾到過西山農場嗎?

16 . Well, have you forgotten already?嗯,你已經忘了嗎?

17 . I see. I hope everything goes well. Bye!我明白了。我希望你一切順利。再見。

18 . I'm sorry to trouble you. Could I borrow your pan again?對不起,打擾您了。我能再借用您的平底鍋嗎?

19 . Really? Are pigs beautiful? I've seen them before, but they weren't beautiful at all!真的嗎?豬會漂亮嗎?我以前見過它們,但它們一點也不漂亮!

20 . Good afternoon! I've come to return your pan. Thank you very much for lending it to me.下午好!我來還你鍋。非常感謝你能把鍋借給我。

21 . Thank you very much. I'll return it as soon as I can.非常感謝。我會盡快歸還的。

22 . Yes, that's right. It's just had a baby!是的,這就對了。它剛生了個孩子。

23 . (The farmer arrives at the woman's house again.)(農民再次來到婦女的家。)

24 . They've got some beautiful pigs.他們有一些漂亮的豬。

25 . Good morning! What can I do for you?早上好!我能為你做些什麼?

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