第 17 部分(額外成就感)
1 . Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?你能想像出生活中沒有電會是怎麼樣的一種情形嗎?
2 . She is hard to please.她很難取悅。
3 . I can't imagine that anyone cares about what I do.我想不出誰會關心我的所做所為。
4 . It's about time to get up.差不多該起床了。
5 . Would you ever have imagined him becoming a politician?你想過他能當上政治家嗎?
6 . He is something.他是重要人物。
7 . It's an incredible story to me.這對我來說是一個無法相信的傳聞。
8 . This problem is hard to solve.要解決這個問題不簡單。
9 . It is incredible that he should have gone to live in such a dangerous country.他竟然搬到那樣危險的國家去住,實在令人無法相信。
10 . I'm about ready.我差不多準備好了。