Unit 4 Newspapers
1 . You need to practise a lot with the actors before.上演前你得同演員一道進行大量的排練。
2 . Let's go together then. I'll meet you at the theatre at six-thirty.到時咱們一塊兒去看吧。我六點半在劇院跟你會面。
3 . Is there anything good on?有什麼好節目上演嗎?
4 . Good! See you then. Bye.好的!到時見。再見。
5 . I want to have a look at what's on this weekend. Let me see now.我想看看這週末上演什麼。讓我看看。
6 . A journalist is interviewing the director of a play.一位記者正在採訪一位戲劇導演。
7 . Yes, I love doing comedies.是的,我喜歡導演喜劇。
8 . Could you explain exactly what you do?您能確切的解釋一下你做些什麼嗎?
9 . What do you do as a director?作為導演您具體幹什麼呢?
10 . What do you plan to do next?下一步您打算導演什麼劇?
11 . What do you do in the theatre?J:你在劇院做什麼工作?
12 . I've chosen the main actors and we intend to put it on next January.我已經選好了主要演員,打算在明年1月上演。
13 . I hope it will be very successful.希望您這齣戲會非常成功。
14 . First, I tell the actors where to stand and where to move.首先,我要告訴演員在劇中站立和移動的位置。
15 . Some of us do not know much about the theatre.我們中有些人還不太懂戲劇。
16 . Yes, I'll be free. I'd like to go.是的,有空。我想去。
17 . Sure, go ahead.當然可以,看吧。
18 . They're said to be very good. What time does the performance start?據說他們很棒。演出什麼時候開始?
19 . It will certainly be very funny!這戲肯定會非常有趣的。
20 . At the end of this period we put the play on in a theatre.最後我們就在劇場上演這齣戲。
21 . Do you direct comedies?您導演喜劇嗎?
22 . The timing is very important, not only for the movements but also for the lines of the dialogue.劇中動作以及對 話中台詞的時間安排非常重要。
23 . They're pop group.他們是一家流行音樂演唱團。
24 . Do you know what they are?你知道他們是幹什麼的嗎?
25 . I'm a director. I direct plays.我是導演。我導演戲劇。
26 . Then for a period of several weeks we practise doing the play.隨後幾個星期我們進行排練。
27 . Yes. At the very beginning I choose a play and the actors.好。一開始我得選取劇本、挑選演員。
28 . We practise entrances and exits.我們排練登場和退場。
29 . 7 p.m. Will you be free then?晚上7點。那時你有空嗎?
30 . There's a particular comedy which I have decided to do.我決定導演一出獨特的喜劇。
31 . The Red Roses are giving a performance at the People's Theatre.「紅玫瑰」演唱團將在人民劇院演出。
32 . Zhou Lan, can I have a look at your copy of China Daily?周蘭,我可以看看你這張《中國日報》嗎?