Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin對白,Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin英文怎麽說



Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin用英語怎麽說


Unit 5 Charlie Chaplin

1 . So far, they have been unlucky in their search for gold and have no money at all.到那時為止,他們尋找金子一直碰不上好運,而且他們身上一點錢也沒有了。

2 . So it became known as the gold rush.成為廣大為人知的「淘金熱」。

3 . The development of films with sound became a problem for Chaplin.有聲電影的研製對卓別林來說就成了問題。

4 . As he was uncertain about making films with dialogue.因為他對是否能製作配有對白的電影片沒有把握。

5 . Chaplin and his friend are caught on the edge of a mountain in a snow storm in a small wooden house.卓別林和他的朋友被一場暴風雪困在山邊的一間小木房裡。

6 . The film was set in California in the middle of the nineteenth century.這部影片是以19世紀中葉加利福尼亞為背景的。

7 . Instead, he continued to make films without dialogue.這樣,他繼續製作沒有對白的影片。

8 . This was known as panning for gold.這就是人們所熟知的「淘金」。

9 . One of Charlie Chaplin's most famous films was The Gold Rush, which was made in 1925.查理·卓別林最著名的影片之一是《淘金熱》,它是在1925年攝制的。

10 . They have nothing to eat.他們沒有東西吃。

11 . After a short while he started directing films himself.不久,他開始自己導演電影。

12 . Before he died, he was honoured in a number of ways for his contributions to the film industry.在他逝世之前,由於在電影業上所作的貢獻,人們以不同方式授予他許多榮譽。

13 . But he added music, which he wrote himself.但是他給影片配上了他自己創作的音樂。

14 . During his first year, Chaplin acted in 35 films, many of which he wrote and directed himself.在第一年裡,卓別林演了35部電影,其中的許多電影是他自編自導的。

15 . An important film director saw Chaplin acting a very funny part in a play.一位頗有影響的電影導演看了卓別林在一個劇中扮演的一個非常滑稽的角色。

16 . As a result, Chaplin got his first film part in the States.結果,卓別林在美國有機會扮演了他的第一個電影角色。

17 . During a second trip to the USA in 1912.在1912年第二次赴美期間。

18 . He makes it seem as if this is one of the most delicious meals that he has ever enjoyed.他演得像極了,他吃皮鞋的情景就像他吃過的最可口的一頓飯似的。

19 . Because the equipment for adding sound to films had not yet been developed.因為給電影配音的設備還沒有研製出來。

20 . And at seventeen he set off for the USA with a group of comedy actors.17歲時隨同一些喜劇演員去了美國。

21 . As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own manner of acting.早在他的第二部電影,卓別林就形成了他自己的表演風格。

22 . Chaplin sits down at the table and eats the shoe with a knife and fork, enjoying every mouthful.他們餓得發慌,只好用一盆水把鞋子煮了充飢。卓別林坐在一張桌子旁邊,手持刀叉,嚼著皮鞋,一口一口津津有味地品嚐。

23 . Chaplin lived the last years of his life in Switzerland, where he was buried in 1977.卓別林在瑞士度過他的晚年,1977年他被安葬在那裡。

24 . Chaplin's earliest films were silent.卓別林最早的電影是無聲電影

25 . At the age of eight, he joined a group of child dancers.8歲時參加了兒童舞蹈團。

26 . People said gold could easily be picked up by washing sand from the river in a pan of water.據說,在一盆水裡淘洗可沙就很容易找到金子。

27 . In the film, Chaplin and his friend are in California.在這部影片裡,卓別林和他的朋友都在加利福尼亞。

28 . The one that was to become world-famous.這風格就是後來聞名於世的那種表演風格。

29 . Chaplin's later films, however, were not well received.然而卓別林的後期的影片沒有得到廣泛的歡迎。

30 . Even his way of walking down the street and turning a corner could be recognized as his own.就連他在街上走路和他轉過拐角的那姿式都可以看出是他自己獨有的。

31 . At that time, gold was discovered in California and thousands of people rushed there to look for gold.當時有人在加利福利亞發現了黃金,於是成千上萬的人湧到那裡去尋找金子

32 . Two of his greatest films, City Lights and Modern Times were of this kind.他的兩部最偉大的影片《城市之光》和《摩登時代》就是這種影片。

33 . In less than three months Chaplin acted in 11 films.在不到3個月的時間裡,卓別林就演了11部電影。

34 . Chaplin was born in London in 1889 and first acted when he was five years old.卓別林1889年出生於倫敦,5歲時就開始演戲。

35 . He made only six films between 1940 and 1966 and only the first of these is still popular today.1940年至1966年,他僅製作了6部電影,其中只有第一部至今仍然受到歡迎。

36 . He wore a small black hat, very wide trousers, a moustache and carried a stick that he swung in the air as he walked.他頭戴一頂小黑帽,身穿一條非常寬大的褲子,嘴上留著小鬍子,手提著一根他邊走邊在空中揮舞的手杖。

37 . During his lifetime, he acted in 13 films, and he wrote, directed and acted in 69 other films.他一生演了13部電影,而且自編、自導和自演了另外69部電影。

38 . Charlie chaplin, who died in 1977, is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.查理·卓別林於1977年去世,他被認為是電影史上最偉大、最滑稽的演員之一。

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