1 . OK. Let's choose the deal at 300 dollars per set CIF New York.好吧。讓我們以紐約到岸價格每台300元成交。
2 . What's your regular practice concerning terms of payment?你們常用什麼付款方式?
3 . Thank you. I'll make out the contract for you to sign tomorrow.謝謝。我將起草合同,明天就簽。
4 . We usually accept payment by irrevocable L C payable against shiping documents.我們一般用不可撤銷信用證,憑裝運單據結匯付款方式。
5 . Couldn't you sell us one carton for-?不能以每盒--賣給我們嗎?
6 . The price. Isn't it possible to give us even a little more discount?價格問題。難道不能多打點折扣嗎?
7 . Is this your best price?這是你們最優惠的價格嗎?
8 . Prices are always negotiable.價錢總是可以商量的。
9 . If you can meet our needs- to order 200 sets, we'll give you trade discount.如果你能答應我方的要求--定200台,我們同意給你折扣。
10 . You drive a hard bargain.你真會講價。
11 . I'm thinking of ordering 100 sets. But one problem-我正考慮定購一百台,只是一個問題-
12 . In view of our longstanding business relationship, we can conclude the transaction.鑒於你我雙方的長期貿易關係,我們可以做成這筆交易。
13 . Would you please tell us payment terms?請您告訴我們付款方式好嗎?