瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . I can't thank you enough for all the work you've done.對於你所做的一切我真不知道如何感謝你才好。
2 . Thanks for everything, if you ever need a favor in return, just let me know.感謝你所做的一切,如果你需要我幫忙的話,儘管開口吧。
3 . I didn't mean it, I'll make it up to you.我不是有意的,我會為你作出的一切補償的。
4 . thank you very much.十分感激你。
5 . Thank you, you are a real credit to the car repair industry.感謝你,你真的為汽車維修業增了光。
6 . Please accept our apologies.請接受我們的歉意。
7 . Thank you so much, I love you gift!非常多謝你,我很喜歡你的禮物!
8 . Sorry about that, let me know if there's any way I can make it up to you.我很抱歉,有什麼能補償的話請告訴我,我會盡力幫忙的。
9 . Thank you so much.非常感謝你。
10 . We were all sorry when we heard that your brother had had an accident.我對你弟弟的意外感到遺憾。