Unit 8 First aid英語對話,高二英語課文,英語Unit 8 First aid對白,Unit 8 First aid英文怎麽說



Unit 8 First aid用英語怎麽說


Unit 8 First aid

1 . See you next Friday.下星期五見。

2 . Thanks, I'd like that.謝謝,我非常樂意。

3 . You were very angry!你火氣真大!

4 . Kate, I'm sorry about that argument.凱特,那次爭吵我很抱歉。

5 . A child ran into the street and knocked her off her bicycle.一個孩子衝上馬路,把她從車上撞了下來。

6 . And now I'm telling you I can't manage this Friday.我正要告訴你我星期五沒辦法(出來)。

7 . You just don't consider anyone but yourself.你除了自己外從不為別人考慮。

8 . Where does it hurt?你哪傷著了?

9 . I ought to go home. I have to cook supper for my grandmother.我該回家了。我得給奶奶做晚飯。

10 . I think she hit her head when she fell.我想,她跌下來時,把頭給撞了。

11 . Why didn't you tell me then?為什麼那時不告訴我呢?

12 . Another time, possibly, but not Friday.換個時間還有可能,但不要在星期五。

13 . I feel rather ashamed.我感到很不好意思。

14 . Don't try to get up. You shouldn't get up if you're badly hurt.別起來。受了重傷,你不該起來的。

15 . I don't want to argue about it any more.我不想為這件事再和你爭吵。

16 . You mustn't move someone if they are badly hurt.讓她留在原地。如果有人受了重傷,你不能動他。

17 . What happened to me?我出了什麼事?

18 . You certainly did!你吼得好凶呀!

19 . How is she?她怎麼樣了?

20 . Chen Wei returns a few moments later.片刻之後,陳偉回來了。

21 . Next Friday? Why, what's happening? I'm going away for the weekend.下星期五?嗨,到底有什麼事情?我要外出度週末。

22 . Yes, I'm sorry about that.是的,那件事我很抱歉。

23 . We thought we might go out, but we said we'd check with each other first.我們認為我們可能出去,但我們說好要先互相通通氣的。

24 . I'm sorry to have done that. I didn't mean to be so rude.我為那樣做感到抱歉。我並不想那樣粗魯的。

25 . I think she must be injured.我想她一定受傷了。

26 . Come and help!咱們去幫幫忙吧!

27 . Anyhow, I'll see you next week.無論如何,我下星期會見你的。

28 . I'll go to that shop and see if they have a telephone.我去那個商店,看看是否有電話。

29 . I've just called the Frist Aid Centre.我剛才已經給急救中心打了電話。

30 . I apologize for being so angry with you.我為跟你發火向你道歉。

31 . No, we didn't fix anything.不,我們沒有決定任何事情。

32 . I've been looking forward to it.我一直都盼望著它呢。

33 . She's beginning to move a little.她開始有點能動了。

34 . We must get help.我們得找人幫忙。

35 . My knee hurts, my foot hurts and my head too.我的膝蓋傷了,腳傷了,還有頭。

36 . So I got angry and started shouting at you.所以我就生氣了,開始衝你大喊大叫。

37 . You don't keep your word.你不守信用。

38 . How can you change your mind at last minute?你怎麼能在最後時刻改變主意呢?

39 . I think we just had a misunderstanding about the plan, but I was very disappointed not to be going out.我想我們只是對於外出計劃有誤解罷了,不過沒能外出我很失望。

40 . Yes, do that. I'll stay here with the girl.好的,去吧。我留在這兒。

41 . Don't worry about that. Right now you need to stay still until help comes.別為這事擔心。現在,在有人來之前,你必須要呆著不動。

42 . I'm sorry about that.這件事我很報歉。

43 . That's not true.不是這樣的。

44 . She's not moving. But she's breathing.她一動不動的。可還在呼吸呢。

45 . We must carry her to the side of the road.我們必須把她抬到路邊。

46 . Look! That girl has fallen off her bicycle.看!那個女孩從自行車上摔下來了。

47 . There's no need for that. We'll have dinner another time.不必為那件事慚愧。我們改個時間再共進晚餐吧。

48 . But you said you'd come out to dinner with me. We fixed it.但你說過你願意出來和我共進晚餐的。我們已經決定了的。

49 . We'll stay here with you until help comes.在有人來救援前,我們要留在這兒。

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