論調精選十段 - 額外成就感英語對話,瘋狂英語拿手好戲卡,英語論調精選十段 - 額外成就感對白,論調精選十段 - 額外成就感英文怎麽說



論調精選十段 - 額外成就感用英語怎麽說


論調精選十段 - 額外成就感

1 . Let's drill them in English pronunciation.我們來給他們做英語發音練習。

2 . He speaks French and English with equal ease.他說法語和英語都一樣自如。

3 . The rules can be applied to any case.這規則可適用於任何情況。

4 . You should be more patient with others.你應該多容忍他人一些。

5 . Apply as much force as is necessary.需用多少力量就用多少。

6 . How can I reward your help?我怎樣才能報答你的幫助呢?

7 . They are constantly quarreling.他們時常吵架。

8 . He has had various experiences in his life.他的生活經驗豐富。

9 . It has been raining constantly for two days.雨連續下了兩天。

10 . Her efforts were rewarded by good results.她的努力獲得了良好的結果。

11 . Scientific discoveries are ofter applied to industrial production methods.科學新發現常應用於工業生產的方法。

12 . I gave that idea up a long time ago.我很久以前就放棄了那個想法了。

13 . Our teacher drills us in English.我們老師讓我們反覆操練英語。

14 . She exchanged a few words with the foreigner.她和那個外國人交談了幾句。

15 . Success amply rewarded his efforts.成功使他的努力得到應有的回報。

16 . That idea would never work in practice.那種設想永遠實現不了。

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