瘋狂英語 900 句
1 . This show has gotten rave reviews.這場演出好評如潮。
2 . This show is terrible; whoever's in charge needs to make some big changes.這場演出很糟糕,主事的人應該對此做重大調整。
3 . I'd rather wait for the live show myself.我寧願等到有現場演出時才看。
4 . U2 are touring here in October, and I hear they put on quite a show.U2 八月份將來這裡做巡迴演出,我聽說他們的表演很賣力。
5 . He got the part simply'cos of his loud voice.他獲得了一次演出的機會僅僅是因為他的聲音洪亮。
6 . This dance show is very strange indeed.這場舞蹈表演真是奇怪。
7 . Karaoke isn't really a performing art.卡拉 OK 不算是真正的表演藝術。
8 . Harry potter was a box office smash.《哈里波特》贏得了相當可觀的票房收入。
9 . I can't sing, dance or act, so how can I possibly get into the performing arts?我不會唱歌、跳舞,不會演戲,怎麼能進入娛樂界呢?
10 . My little boy is having a school play tonight, I don't want to miss it.我的小兒子今晚會參加學校的戲劇表演,我不想錯過了。