Unit 16 Social and Personal英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 16 Social and Personal對白,Unit 16 Social and Personal英文怎麽說



Unit 16 Social and Personal用英語怎麽說


Unit 16 Social and Personal

1 . They spent a full and very enjoyable morning together, and Fred discovered that he had a gift for making a visit interesting and lively.他們一起度過了一個充實而又非常愉快的早上,弗雷德發現自己具有導遊的才能,能使參觀活動變得趣味盎然。

2 . I think I'm in a difficult position.我想我現在的處境困難。

3 . I've been working at a meat factory for about two months now.大約兩個月來,我一直在一家肉廠幹活。

4 . There are many things to be learnt when you start working.開始工作時,你有許多東西要學。

5 . But I advise you to check your bag every evening before going home.但是,我勸你每晚回家前檢查下自己的包。

6 . In the evenings he studied hard for his exams, and most mornings he took tourists around Oxford.他晚間努力學習,以應付考試,而大多數早上,他則帶領遊客在牛津大學參觀。

7 . It's a part-time job, so I only work evenings.這是份兼職,因此我只是晚間上班。

8 . Another good reason for taking a part-time job is that employers usually prefer to hire someone who has already had some work experience. They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn. For example, a newspaper might employ you if you干兼職工作的另一條充分的理由就是,僱主們通常願意錄用已有一些工作經驗的人。他們很看重生活積極、渴望學習的人。例如,如果你在大學或中學就讀時曾為某學生雜誌工作過,那麼報社就可能錄用你。一般來說,如果你已幹過一些兼職工作,找到適合工作的機會就會大些。

9 . We should learn the value of money and learn how many hours' work has to be done before we can buy something.我們應該認識到錢的價值,知道要干多少小時的活,我們才能買某件物品。

10 . Thanks for your letter.謝謝你給我來信。

11 . You have to learn when to ask for help and when to ask for information.你得學會什麼時候請求幫助,什麼時候打聽信息。

12 . I'm afraid it is quite common that people steal things from their workplace.恐怕人們在工作場所偷東西是相當普遍的。

13 . After all, you have nothing to lose if you are honest and a good worker.如果你品質誠實,幹活好,畢竟你沒有什麼東西可失去的。

14 . Besides, this man is a clever thief.另外,此人是個聰明的小偷。

15 . He says that all this happened after I started work.他說,這一切都是在我開始工作後才發生的。

16 . Now the manager has found that things are missing.現在,經理已發現有東西丟失。

17 . The other people in the workforce may not trust you in future.在一起幹活的其他人可能今後不會相信你了。

18 . He was on his way to a lecture, when a tourist stopped him and asked him for directions.他走在去聽課的路上,此時一位遊客攔住他問路。

19 . Please tell me how I can solve this problem.請告訴我怎樣才能解決這個問題。

20 . You will find that people will help you if you are ready to help them.你會發現,如果你樂於幫助別人,別人也會幫助你。

21 . It is good to learn to work with others in a team.學會在一個集體裡與其他人一道工作是有益的。

22 . From time to time, I notice that he puts a piece of meat down his trousers just before he leaves the factory.我經常看到,他在快要離廠前把一塊肉藏在褲子裡。

23 . There is no need to say anything to the other worker.你沒有必要跟那個工友說什麼。

24 . It is good preparation for the world outside schools and universities.這對走出學校進入社會是一個良好的準備。

25 . You have to be able to check instructions.你必須會查對說明。你必須會籌劃工作。

26 . They will think that you are the eyes and ears of the manager.他們會認為,你是經理的耳目。

27 . At lunchtime, the tourist thanked him and gave him ten pounds, which was a lot of money in those days.午餐時,這位遊客向他表示感謝,並給了他10英鎊。這在當時可算是一大筆錢了。

28 . This is one example of a part-time job leading to greater things.這是兼職工作通向更大事業的一個例子。

29 . Fred realized that he had discovered an interesting and enjoyable way of making money.弗雷德認識到,他已找到了一種既有趣又愉快的掙錢方法。

30 . What should I do? Maybe I should have told that workmate I knew what he was doing.我該怎麼辦?也許我早該對那個工人說我知道他的行為。

31 . I've recently noticed that one of my work-mates is stealing.我最近注意到,我的一個工友在行竊。

32 . There is another good reason for taking a part-time job.干兼職工作還有一條充分的理由。

33 . I'd like to hear your advice.我想聽聽你的意見。

34 . Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961.1961年的某個早上,弗雷德·皮爾遜正步行通過牛津大學城。

35 . You can buy whatever you need if you have enough money.錢多了,你需要什麼就可以買什麼。

36 . I think there is a possible problem if you tell the manager about the thief.我想,如果你向經理告發這個竊賊,可能存在這樣一個問題。

37 . It's his problem, not yours. Try not to worry.這是他的問題,而不是你的。盡量不去操心。

38 . He waited until someone new joined the company and then began to steal.他等待有人剛加入公司後才開始偷竊。

39 . I've got a problem and as I don't know what to do I thought I'd write to you and ask for your advice.我有一個問題,因為我不知道該怎麼辦。我想我最好寫信給你,徵求你的意見。

40 . It is a good idea to start a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.只要不影響學習,干兼職工作的想法是不錯的。

41 . As Fred was going in the same direction, he walked along with the tourist.因為遊客與弗雷德走的是同一個方向,他便與遊客一道同行。

42 . It is quite possible that the thief might put some meat in you bag.這個竊賊很可能把肉放到你的袋子裡。

43 . Hoping you will be caught and called a thief.希望你被抓住,被人叫做小偷。

44 . They got on so well that Fred decided not to go to the lecture but to show the tourist around the university instead.他們相處得很融洽,於是弗雷德決定不去聽課,而帶領這位遊客到這所大學各處參觀。

45 . You have to be able to plan your work so that all your jobs will be finished in time.以便你的工作能及時完成。

46 . Or possibly I should have gone to the manager and told him who was stealing meat.或者我早該去找經理,告訴他誰在偷肉。

47 . I agree that it is a difficult situation.我同意,這種情況很難辦。

48 . For one thing, when you earn money, you will not have to keep on asking your parents for money.首先,當自己掙了錢,你就用不著老向父母要錢了。

49 . He passed his exams, and even better, when he left university he had earned enough money to start his own business, offering guide services to tourists.他考試過關了,更愜意的是,他大學畢業時,所賺的錢足夠他開始經營自己的行業--為遊客提供導遊服務。

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