Unit 21 Who gets the money英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 21 Who gets the money對白,Unit 21 Who gets the money英文怎麽說



Unit 21 Who gets the money用英語怎麽說


Unit 21 Who gets the money

1 . Calare took the pen and added her signature, saying Good. That is all correct.好了。很正確。"

2 . He married my aunt in 1971, so Clare would have been five years old.他1968年與我伯母結婚,那麼克萊爾應該已經5歲了。"

3 . Mrs Flower's house has now been sold.弗勞爾夫人的房子現已售出。

4 . Just now we all watched you sign to show that you had received the cheque.剛才我們大家都觀察到了你為表明已收到那張支票而簽名。

5 . I'm allowed to change the colour of my hair, she said angrily.我改變自己的髮色是允許的,"她憤怒地說。

6 . Please sign here to show that you have received the money.請在這兒簽字以表明你已收到這筆錢。"

7 . I'll also need a list of all your and her relations' addresses and telephone numbers.我還需一張你與她的全部親屬的地址清單與電話號碼。

8 . Will Clare Flower please step forward?克萊爾·弗勞爾請你走上前好嗎?

9 . He turned to the young lady.他轉向那位年輕的女士。

10 . She instructed in her will that if that were to happen, all the money should go to an organization for helping the blind called Helping Hand.於是她在遺囑中指示如果此事發生,這筆錢應該全部捐獻給一個名叫'援助之手'的盲人救濟組織。

11 . Well, I have a problem.唉,我有一個難題。

12 . I had several photographs of Clare Flower, and I picked out one interesting photograph of Clare aged twelve in an art class at school.我有幾張克萊爾·弗勞爾的照片,挑出了一張克萊爾12歲時在學校假期藝術課上拍的很有趣的照片。"

13 . Her husband had built up a large business during his lifetime, and when he died ten years ago in 1989 he left all his money to his wife.她的丈夫一生中逐步建立起一家大商行,而當他10年前即於1985年去世後,他把全部財產留給了他的妻子。"

14 . He turned to the police officer.他轉過身對警官說

15 . Mrs Flower directed that all the money that belonged to her should come to you.弗勞爾夫人指示她所有的錢應當全部歸你。

16 . Yes, but you're not allowed to sign your name Clare Flower if your name is Hope Darwin.對,但是,如果你叫霍普·達爾文而卻把自己的名字簽成克萊爾·弗勞爾則不是允許的。

17 . Now we know that Clare Flower is dead, does that mean the money will now come to me?現在我們明白克萊爾·弗勞爾死了,那是不是意味著這筆錢現在將歸我啦?

18 . You name is Clare Flower?你叫克萊爾·弗勞爾嗎?

19 . None of the family apart from her father and my aunt have seen her since.自從她離開家以後,家裡人除了她父親與我伯母外沒有人見過她。

20 . I see. Maybe there are some things among your aunt's papers, like Clare' school reports, old photographs, and so on.我明白了。或許,在你伯母的文件中可能有些諸如克萊爾的學校成績報告單、舊的照片之類的東西吧。

21 . After all, I am the only one of my aunt's relations still alive.不管怎麼說,我是我伯母的親戚中唯一一個還活著的人。

22 . No, it isn't, said the detective suddenly.不,不對,偵探突然說。

23 . The lawyer was brief and to the point.律師簡明扼要地說道。

24 . It only remains for me to pass all the money that she had to the right person.對我來說,剩下的只是將她所有的錢交給合法的繼承人。

25 . I want you to check out this Clare Flower and see that she has the right to get my aunt's money, because something somewhere smells funny.我要求你查清這個克萊爾·弗勞爾,且一定要弄清她是不是有權獲得我伯母的錢,因為某些情況令人感到有點奇怪。"

26 . I also need your permission to speak to the family lawyer about this matter.我還需要你的許可,就關於這件事跟你們的家庭律師談話。

27 . Yes, but one thing is most unlikely to change.對,但有一件事是最不可能改變的。

28 . No. Your aunt did foresee that Ms flower might die before her.不。你伯母的確預見到弗勞爾小姐很可能在她之前去世。

29 . So what do you want me to do? asked the detective.那麼你想要我做什麼呢?偵探問。

30 . She left home when she was eighteen and has lived in Los Angeles for the past fifteen years.18歲時,她離開了家。過去的15年裡她一直住在洛杉磯。

31 . People change, but they don't suddenly chnge from being right-handed to being left-handed.人會變,但他們不會從慣用右手而突然轉變成左撇子的。

32 . Don't tell me that all this is because of a photograph taken when I was twelve.別跟我說,所有這一切都是因為我12歲時拍的一張照片。

33 . When everyone had taken his/her place, the lawyer spoke as follows.當大家都入座以後,律師作了如下的發言

34 . There was another unknown man.還有一個不認識的人。

35 . Here is a cheque for 4,725,466.這是一張4,725,466美元的支票。

36 . I watched Hope secretly for a week, and I even paid a visit to her at work.我秘密觀察了霍普一個星期,甚至還在她工作時拜訪了她。

37 . So, to answer your question, you get nothing.因此,要回答你的問題,就是你什麼也得不到。"

38 . My name's Tom Goode, by the way.我叫湯姆·古德,順便告訴你。

39 . And she's left about $4 million in her will to her husband's daughter by his first marriage.而她在其遺囑中將大約400萬美元留給她丈夫第一次結婚所生的女兒。

40 . Yes, it is, she said. And who are you, anyway?不,是我的名字啊,她說,而你到底是誰呀?"

41 . When the police officer had taken away Hope Darwin, Tom Goode turned to the lawyer.當警官帶走霍普·達爾文以後,湯姆·古德轉向律師說。

42 . She didn't visit her step-mother much, though I believe that they used to speak on the phone from time to time.她不常看望她的繼母,雖然,我相信她們過去時不進在電話裡聊一聊。

43 . Good morning, Mr Coal. I hear that you are one of the best detectives in the capital.早上好,科爾先生。我聽說你是首都最優秀的偵探之一。

44 . The young woman stood up and stepped forward.年輕的女人站起來走向前。

45 . Present at the meeting were Clare Flower, Tom Goode, the lawyer and the detective, who was introduced to everyone as the lawyer's assistant.出席會議的有克萊爾·弗勞爾、湯姆·古德、律師與被當作律師助理介紹給大家的偵探

46 . A lot of things can change over twenty-one years.21年了,許多東西都可能改變的。

47 . Can you go through them and give me whatever you find?你把它們仔細查閱一下並把凡是你能找到的東西給我好嗎?

48 . My aunt, Mrs flower, died three weeks ago.我的伯母弗勞爾夫人3周前去世。

49 . Coal nodded. OK. I can do that. First, I'll need some information about Clare. For a start, how old was she when her father married again?科爾點點頭。"好吧。這我可以辦。首先,我需要有關克萊爾的資料。首先,當他父親再婚時,她多大歲數了?"

50 . So how can I help you ? asked the detective.那麼我怎樣才能幫你呢?偵探問。

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