Unit 24 Finding a job英語對話,高三英語課文,英語Unit 24 Finding a job對白,Unit 24 Finding a job英文怎麽說



Unit 24 Finding a job用英語怎麽說


Unit 24 Finding a job

1 . I think it is important to understand the relations between parents and their children. They spend time, energy and money in bringing up children and providing them with what they need. Then, as with young birds, the time comes for the young to leave. As我認為父母和孩子們之間的相互理解是很重要的。父母花費時間、精力和金錢帶大孩子們,給他們提供所需的一切。然後,年輕人就像小鳥飛離家一樣離開了家。正如我們所說,所輕人長大飛走的一天是必然會到來的。儘管這時父母會感到難過,但是他們感情用事是不對的。

2 . 5 What makes you feel that you are doing well?5。是什麼使你感到自己幹得不錯?

3 . Finally, trust your own ideas and your own thinking! It is your own life, so find something that you enjoy doing.最後相信你自己的看法和想法!這是你自己的生活,因此,找你喜歡做的事情來做。

4 . Congratulations on your good news! You must have done well to have achieved this success.對你的好消息表示祝賀。你一定是幹得很出色才獲得這一成功的。

5 . So, celebrate your success, and invite your parents to celebrate with you, however hard it may be for them. If you continue to be excited about your future, you may come to educate your parents in the same way.因此,慶賀你的成功,並且邀請你的父母跟你一慶賀,儘管這樣做會讓他們感到難以接受。如果你還在為自己的未來而感到激動的話,你可以慢慢用同樣的辦法說服你的父母。

6 . Experts believe that there are about 40,000 different types of job in the world. Choosing the right one is a difficult job in itself.專家們認為世界上大約有4萬個不同種類的工作。要從中選擇一個適合自己的工作是很困難的。

7 . First, it is important to recognize what kind of person you are and which special qualities make you different from everyone else. To help you do this, read the following questions and write down the answers:首先,重要的一點是要瞭解你自己是個什麼樣的人,有哪些特殊的品質使你與眾不同。為了幫助你做到這一點,閱讀下面的問題並寫下答案。

8 . 3 What have you been interested in for as long as you can remember?3。你所能想起來的自己感興趣的事是什麼?

9 . 4 Think of a time when you were happiest. What were you doing?4。想一想你感到最高興的時刻。當時你在做什麼?

10 . 2 Which subjects do you like reading about in newspapers, magazines and books?2。你喜歡讀報紙、雜誌和書籍裡的哪些學科方面的內容?

11 . Best wishes,衷心的祝福你,

12 . Best wishes,衷心地祝福您,

13 . Finding a job is not the same as choosing a job. Many young people end up in a job to which they are not suited. Chance may play a more important part than decision. So here are a few steps to help you think about jobs which you might enjoy doing找一個工作不同於選擇一個工作。許多年輕人最終卻干了並不適合他們的工作。"機會可以比"決定起著更重要的作用。所以這裡有幾個步驟,幫助你中學或大學畢業後考慮從事你可能喜歡做的工作。

14 . I am sorry that you have a disagreement with your father. Personally, I think it is important to follow your interests and your abilities, and it sounds as though you have plenty of both of these already.我感到遺憾,你和你父親意見不一致。就我自己而言,我認為重要的是從你的興趣和能力出發,聽起來好像你已具備了這兩點。

15 . 1 Make a list of 10 things which you like doing most.1。列出一張你最喜歡做的10件事情的清單。

16 . Best wishes,衷心地祝福你,

17 . Best wishes,衷心地祝福你,

18 . 6 What would you like to be admired for?6。你樂於被誇獎的事是什麼?

19 . I have got some wonderful news to tell you. I have been offered a scholarship at a university in Australia for my further education. One hundred and twenty-five students took exams for it, and I was one of the five to be chosen. However, my parents are tr我有一些非常好的消息要告訴你。我得到了澳大利亞一所大學提供給我進修的一筆獎學金。為了獲得這筆獎學金,125個學生參加了考試,而我是5個被選上的人中的1個。然而,我父母試圖阻止我到那裡去學習。他們說澳大利亞太遠了,他們將一整年見不到我,我會很孤獨的。他們建議我改

20 . To examine your skills and abilities still further, ask yourself this question: in the following three areas - skills with people, skills with information or skills with things - which are your best skills? Note that it is not enough to say to yourself, 在與人交往,獲取信息或處理事務這三個方面的技能中,你最擅長哪方面的技能?注意如果你對自己說"我喜歡和人們在一起工作",這是不夠的,因為這是人性中的一部分。因此,重要的是考查帶給你極大滿足感的人際關係。例如,你也許善於勸說、指導、採訪、聆聽、教導或傳遞信息。
