Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT III英語對話,走遍美國,英語Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT III對白,Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT III英文怎麽說



Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT III用英語怎麽說


Photo Finish(大功告成) ACT III

1 . Two weeks. I said I could do it in two weeks, and I did it.兩周。我說過我兩周就能完成, 現在我做到了。

2 . Oh, that's wonderful! That's wonderful!噢, 真是美極了 ,真是美極了!

3 . And I want you to meet the people in the art department.我也希望你與美編部的人見見面。

4 . Absolutely.絕對是真的。

5 . I can't wait!我簡直迫不急待!

6 . I'm going to show him the photos on Monday morning.我要在星期一早晨給他看這些照片。

7 . Monday morning.星期一早晨。

8 . and there's one person I haven't photographed in a long time.而有一個人我已經很久沒為她拍照了。

9 . I'll have a contract我會準備好一張合同

10 . Richard! I haven't brushed my hair. Richard我頭髮都沒有梳。

11 . I'm very proud of you. You really did a beautiful job.我真以你為傲。你真的拍得很漂亮。

12 . I can't wait to tell Marilyn!我迫不及待地想告訴Marilyn。

13 . I would like to introduce you to your editor.我來介紹你認識這本書的編輯。

14 . first thing in the morning.這是我明天早上的第一件事。

15 . Like them? They represent your best work.何止喜歡? 它們代表了你最佳的作品。

16 . and an advance payment waiting for you和預付稿酬等你來

17 . In about half an hour. Why?大約半個小時。為什麼問這個?

18 . Well ... what do you think? Do I have my book?那麼, 你看怎麼樣 ?我的書可以出版嗎?

19 . And while you're here,趁你現在在這,

20 . This is sensational!太令人激賞了!

21 . They get better and better.它們越來越好。

22 . I'm so glad you like them so much.你這樣喜歡它們, 我真是太高興了。

23 . Hey, you know? There's still some film left on this roll,嘿 ,知道嗎? 這一張 ,還有一些底片,

24 . I'll set up an appointment with the marketing people.我會與行銷部的人安排一次會談。

25 . It's not fair, Richard. I'm not even ready.這樣不公平, Richard。我甚至一點準備都沒有。

26 . When do you think we'll be through?你認為我們什麼時候能完畢?

27 . You look great!看起來很棒!

28 . What a job! Good work, Richard!你拍得很棒, 好作品, Richard!

29 . The pictures you've taken are fabulous, Richard.你拍的照片太精采了, Richard。

30 . Yeah. I really did do a good job, didn't I?是的 ,我確實拍得不錯, 對不對?

31 . You do. You do. There's a book here.當然 ,當然。書要出版。

32 . Mr. Carlson will love them.Carlson先生會喜歡的。

33 . I know he will love the new photographs for your book.我相信他會喜歡你為你的書所拍的這些新照片。

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