Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT I英語對話,走遍美國,英語Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT I對白,Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT I英文怎麽說



Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT I用英語怎麽說


Making a Difference(當仁不讓) ACT I

1 . no concert, no stage presentations.沒有音樂會, 沒有舞蹈表演。

2 . And in a short campaign而且這一場短暫的競選

3 . Cutting the budget is fine,削減預算是好的,

4 . I'm editor of the most influential newspaper in Riverdale.我是Riverdale最有影響力的報紙的編輯。

5 . I want to keep the after-school programs--我要保存這些課外活動--

6 . Why not give the people of Riverdale a clear choice?為什麼不讓Riverdale的人民有一個明確的選擇呢?

7 . you wouldn't need as much money.不需要花多少錢。

8 . You asked to see me.你要求見我。

9 . and a new paint job in the schoolrooms.和重新油漆教室。

10 . from the businessmen and the corporations of Riverdale.Riverdale的商人和企業界的支持。

11 . Well, that is news.噢, 這可是個新聞。

12 . I can't expect you to take my side against Boswell.我不敢期望你站在我這一邊來對抗Boswell。

13 . But he wants to cut the school budget!但他想削減學校的預算!

14 . Well, you've got my vote.哦, 那我一定投你的票。

15 . I'm serious, Philip.我是認真的, Philip。

16 . the music, the concerts.音樂,音樂會。

17 . Actually, it's the only newspaper.事實上, 它是唯一的報紙。

18 . Because I care.因為我關心。

19 . No music, no dance,沒有音樂, 沒有舞蹈,

20 . The election's next month.選舉就在下個月。

21 . The citizens of Riverdale, of course.當然是Riverdale的公民。

22 . I think a lot of people will vote for you我想很多人會投票支持你

23 . Exactly what do you want from me, Mrs. Stewart?究竟對我有什麼要求, Stewart太太?

24 . Will you help me if I do run?假如我真的競選 ,你會幫我忙嗎?

25 . You know something, Ellen?知道一件事嗎, Ellen?

26 . Your mother is thinking of你媽媽正考慮

27 . Why shouldn't you run for what, Mom?為什麼, 不該競選什麼, 媽媽?

28 . Oh, not if I can stop him!噢, 要是我能阻止他, 他就甭想!

29 . and I think he believes而我認為他相信

30 . by cutting all the cultural programs.是透過取消所有的文化活動。

31 . Not a bad slogan.不錯的標語。

32 . Why shouldn't I run?為什麼我不該競選?

33 . He says it's to save the taxpayers' money,他說這是為了要節省納稅人的錢,

34 . He's running for the school board.他正在競選聯合校董會董事。

35 . You don't know me.你不認識我。

36 . more than reading, writing, and arithmetic.比閱讀 、寫作及算術更多的東西。

37 . Vote for Ellen Stewart. She cares.投Ellen Stewart一票。她關心。"

38 . the voters will have a clear choice.投票人可以有明確的選擇。

39 . and keep the cultural programs for our kids.以便為我們的孩子保存文化活動。

40 . Do you have a story?你有什麼新聞故事呢

41 . I hear it from my patients.我是從我的病人那兒聽到這些的。

42 . Why does he want to do that?為什麼他要那麼做呢?

43 . it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign.競選活動需要花一些錢。

44 . running for the school board.競選聯合校董會董事。

45 . but he wants to do it但他要削減

46 . But I need some information.但我需要一些資料。

47 . I certainly can print the news.我當然可以刊出這則新聞。

48 . I stand for everything Boswell doesn't.我代表Boswell所不贊成的那些立場。

49 . I don't believe it!我簡直難以相信!

50 . But what do you care about?但你關心什麼呢?

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